Oz in Exile : Writing

A Man Hears a Lonely Cry

A Man Hears a Lonely Cry

A Poem by Oz in Exile

Inspired by my friend Heather. She was missing her man and feeling down, so I wrote this bit o' poetry for her.
Between Nothingness and Night

Between Nothingness and Night

A Poem by Oz in Exile

Written a little over a year ago, but very much going in the direction I wanted. Embedded poetry - you know I like it. ;-P
Tabula Rasa Rising

Tabula Rasa Rising

A Poem by Oz in Exile

Embedded poetry - does a body good. ;-P
Want is the Nature of Us

Want is the Nature of Us

A Poem by Oz in Exile

Embedded Poetry - a grand experiment.
A Pleasant Passage of Time

A Pleasant Passage of Time

A Poem by Oz in Exile

Second poem I wrote in my style of embedded poetry. Enjoy.
Beyond the Reach of Movement

Beyond the Reach of Movement

A Poem by Oz in Exile

This is the first poem I wrote in a new style that I'm developing. I call it 'embedded poetry'. I work to make every stanza a stand alone haiku, so ..