Sierra Christine : Writing



A Poem by Sierra Christine

It, being depression.


A Poem by Sierra Christine

Venting, started as a rap, now it's here, enjoy.
Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

A Poem by Sierra Christine

It seems as if all people write about these days is the darkness, sadness, and anger in the world. But maybe it's not the writers. It's hard to writ..


A Poem by Sierra Christine

So you're feeling down, Guess it means it's that time again. Let's be honest, You hate the taste. You have to swallow hard to get it down. And l..
Friend Request Accepted

Friend Request Accepted

A Poem by Sierra Christine

Seven billion people. Crowded. Over populated. Filled past capacity. Seven billion people walk the earth. A mere five thousand people walk the s..
A New Love

A New Love

A Poem by Sierra Christine

It's spring once again. The snow begins to clear. Flowers start to bud. Robins and blue jays are heard chirping. Again you can breathe. It's like..
Just a Body

Just a Body

A Poem by Sierra Christine

He lays there smiling at me. I take off my shirt and shorts, standing in those cute underwear and bra that make me feel sexy. He says to me "you sho..


A Poem by Sierra Christine

No. Two simple letters. It only takes a simple second to say. How hard can it be? N-O. That's your problem. You can't simply say no. You ..
Shout Out To You

Shout Out To You

A Poem by Sierra Christine

Give a shout out to those who walked all over you, those who said you couldn't, those who didn't know you but still talked about you like they did, ..


A Poem by Sierra Christine

I lie in bed wide awake thinking of you until day break. You're fast asleep but when you wake you'll think of her and her smiling face. She's un aw..