DrStorm : Writing



A Poem by DrStorm

We stand in dark and foggy tunnel,Tunnel's running left to right.My emotions through a funnel,You listen standing in a fright.Despite the words withou..
Bygone shadows

Bygone shadows

A Poem by DrStorm

The street is stretching way afar.Dark night with light from just one star.Grim shadows quickly sneaking byDiverting their eyes to sky.Is it worth to ..
Carefree Eagle

Carefree Eagle

A Poem by DrStorm

Flying eagle in the sky,Basking in the sun up high.It is free to move around,As I'm in desert sitting bound.Heavy shackles on my chest.Need to move, b..
The shower after the storm

The shower after the storm

A Poem by DrStorm

Standing in showerFor the past hour.Water flows down,Darkness around.Or are these tears?Fueling my fears?Remembering light,Once giving the sight.Pain ..
River of time

River of time

A Poem by DrStorm

I am sitting by the river,River's flowing forward on.I look upstream, I have this fear,Of the past and all that's gone.I look at water moving forward,..
Empty crowds

Empty crowds

A Poem by DrStorm

All around is freezing rain,As I'm bound on bridge in pain.I keep on looking; I need to seeAt least someone - please glance at me?But all I see o..
Memories of our bonfire

Memories of our bonfire

A Poem by DrStorm

With great dedication to the one I miss here, I really do wish you would stay with me near. But you did not want to light this bonfire, Yet deep do..
The Brightest Star

The Brightest Star

A Poem by DrStorm

Alone I am sailing on the ship,No map in hand, on first far trip.Yet I am moving with your light,The brightest star, my only guide.Now rain, now storm..
The Divine Guide

The Divine Guide

A Poem by DrStorm

Starry night, sapphire sky,My angel shining from up high.Bringing me the longing peace,But that is going soon to cease.Reaching out with your hand,I t..
New Year

New Year

A Poem by DrStorm

Cheery music in the tavern,A pint of beer in my hand.Coloured lights shine through the window,With the loud clear bangs.As the day's end is almost nea..

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