iiqquay : Writing

Flour at the Front Door

Flour at the Front Door

A Story by iiqquay

can I borrow some flour?
A Trick of the Dark

A Trick of the Dark

A Story by iiqquay

do you remember him?
Alleyway Rain

Alleyway Rain

A Story by iiqquay

what's that behind you?
The Figure

The Figure

A Story by iiqquay

shadows come to life: a childhood nightmare
The Wait

The Wait

A Story by iiqquay

A boy who longs for death.
Knight in Shinning Amor

Knight in Shinning Amor

A Poem by iiqquay

The poem is about a person who finds healing and wholeness through someone who picks up their broken pieces and glues them back together with love and..


A Poem by iiqquay

This poem is a hauntingly beautiful description of Death and its role in our lives. It explores our fear, curiosity, and acceptance of the inevitable ..
Golden Gates

Golden Gates

A Poem by iiqquay

This poem tells the story of a couple who endure the hardships of love, emphasizing the power of their bond.
Land Ho

Land Ho

A Poem by iiqquay

The poem portrays a person concealing their emotions behind a happy facade, while reminiscing about a past romance as a source of comfort.