chemical rave rink : Writing

Born again hooligan -fugees-

Born again hooligan -fugees-

A Story by chemical rave rink

represent the foo
Hopefully not hopeless.

Hopefully not hopeless.

A Poem by chemical rave rink

I don't know too much about the technicality of writing. Just form words I suppose. Critiques and pointers to help refine some of this is very much ap..
Quick write

Quick write

A Story by chemical rave rink

Within this constant battle of descent and ascension a strange complex formed best described as a bubble stuck at the bottom of an everyday drink. the..


A Story by chemical rave rink

stuck in a thorn bush handcuffed-.-
pointless designations

pointless designations

A Poem by chemical rave rink

Just starting out, formats most likely atrocious


A Story by chemical rave rink

Dali induced word play


A Story by chemical rave rink

aftermath of sleep deprivation and delirium!