An enemy of humanity

An enemy of humanity

A Poem by Dark Pheonix

Killed by drone

They never knew his name,
They never cared to know,
Because he was not one them,
Though he looked surprisingly human,
But he was from another race,
They didn't know where he was breeded,
They never cared to know,
Though he looked liked their own childern,
And sometimes used to get a chance,
To play with those 'human-kids' outside,
But this didn't happened very often,
Because his mentors were watchful,
They wouldn't let him go astray,
Go mixing with other races,
They kept him busy,
They kept him safe,
They kept him fed,
He never had to starve,
The reason his parents entrusted him to them,
And to have him taught,
Skills and manners.
He was seen everyday in clothes always the same,
But clean, and that cap,
which hid his head from the world outside his lodging,
But even when he didn't have his cap on,
They never cared to know,
what thoughts dwelt in his tiny head,
Thoughts of destroying and slaying that he was going to be suspected of,
Or fantasies, of toys, food, interesting looking story books and sweets,
He used to see their kids enjoying.

So he went on living,
With two different races,
To which he belonged,
He never found out,
Because one day word arrived,
From a holy land,
Where people are nice and clean,
And kind to their pets,
And to other races,
But his case was different,
He was dangerous and didn't wear their clothes,
Didn't eat their food and speak their tongue,
And he used to carry a dirty bag,
To collect food,
What a foul thing to do,
So they decided,
Those nice people from nice lands,
That creature must be eliminated,
Along with all of his kind,
And one day he was found...
No he was not found,
Perhaps he became one like the others,
With the lake of red unholy blood.

© 2013 Dark Pheonix

My Review

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Featured Review

this is so chilling!!!
it made me wonder, no it made me feel sorry for him, it's hard to explain a picture soo dreadfully sad to the world in this structure, i love it!!! it's full of life yet someway makes you want to break down and cry! maybe because everyone has a bit of him inside them.
great ink!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This gave me shivvers.poor thing I feel sorry tot him.very chilling passage:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very sad, just because someone is different does not mean that they are different.

Posted 11 Years Ago

awwww, like very amazing, but it is sad, made me feel sorry for him, and every one who are like him,
but again really great right, thank you.

Posted 11 Years Ago

i could go into a tirade about greed and religion and politics but, what's the use? anyone with a brain and a feeling heart knows of this malady which plagues us as a species. some of those a******s in washington d.c. have pets who get better food and care than a lot of decent people out there....this waxes fantasy but i didn't envision it as such. superbly executed prose.

Posted 11 Years Ago

A slap on the face of modern cruelty, where animals are more loved than humans due to politicians' dramas.

Posted 11 Years Ago

this is so chilling!!!
it made me wonder, no it made me feel sorry for him, it's hard to explain a picture soo dreadfully sad to the world in this structure, i love it!!! it's full of life yet someway makes you want to break down and cry! maybe because everyone has a bit of him inside them.
great ink!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

intriguing piece...i like the work...very curious...but 'feeded' mistake? or otherwise

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Dark Pheonix

11 Years Ago

that was a mistake. Thanks for pointing out.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 30, 2013
Last Updated on March 30, 2013
Tags: war, against, terror

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