In the middle of the night

In the middle of the night

A Poem by marie

Jemima cries in the middle of the night
Cries all her pains away
Cries for parents fighting
Cries for the bruise that stays

Danny cries in the middle of the night
Cries cause she won't stay
Cries for the baby who had no fight
Cries away the day

Jesus calls in the middle of the night
Promises to stay
Cries by their side in the middle of the night
Cries saying its all gonna be ok

Lilly cries in the middle of the night
Cries for the little cuts that stay
Cries for her daddy who lost his fight
Cries for her mommy who drinks the day away

Jonny cries in the middle of the night
Cries all the fears away
Cries for kisses goodnight
Cries for a home today

Jesus calls in the middle of the night
Cries for their pain today
Cries for every fright
Cries saying trust my plan, just pray

© 2013 marie

My Review

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Excellent writing. I haven't been back to this website in quite some time, and it's good to see that your poetry has kept to your skill, if not better, since I last read.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you:) i havent had internet much... (staying with the grandparents...) so i'm not able to put .. read more
Oh gosh.*misty eyed* I really, really love this poem. Maybe its because I haven't read your writing in a while but this is great. =.3

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Awww:) thanks Ashley!!:) so glad you liked it means worlds!!:)
Fantastic poem! A lovely poem that shows your faith beautifully. I can relate this poem a fair bit. The lines flow really well and have an almost lyrical quality. I really enjoyed reading this, thank you.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much for reading it!!:) i'm glad it spoke to you!:)
Awesome Marie!. I really enjoyed this poem and the way It's presented. It seems like It shows Imo, that God does hear and answer prayers, just not the way we may think we need them best answered at that moment. We want Instant gratifications, and he gives us better, like Instilling patience, comforting grace, and even works as a faithful advocate at mercy, for how we long & long with him to meet his fulfilling wholesome peace, and feel justified. All these cries roll down like testi"moan"ial wills by the willing, as pitch as the midnight may present 'opelessness, we are given soundminds to don, and hide of clean. We wear momen"tearily" pains of reality, for his father-estate feeds us through the child moons, to grand-sun's glan'ced hope spoke In wepts, he levees by us our paid eternity, forking his plan with our every heart-wrenching, he readies the love upon our steady endurance. ;-)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for the review:)
Its a nice one. Yes the God is there but our fear and love for materialistic things acts as a barrier to feel Him.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

They can be a barrier, but only if you don't let God walk with you through the problems:)

11 Years Ago

yes true :)
I loved the way u set it out, presenting each and every one's cries and how Jesus calls upon them
All we have to do is pray for he listens and hears

Posted 11 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you so much!!:) means a lot that you have continued to read my work:)
Great poem, the first stanza seemed like a "living on a prayer" by bon jovi, anyway great poem about hope, lost, trust..great job

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very sad but beautiful! Great poem, Marie! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you!:)

11 Years Ago

You're welcome! :$

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8 Reviews
Added on July 19, 2013
Last Updated on July 19, 2013
Tags: Jesus, calls, cries, middle, night, pain, search, alone, hope, hurt



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