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Tags : Author

I am a book

I am a book

A Poem by Paul

My most previous piece of writing. I am making an anology of myself to the book, author and publisher.
Life As Ocean~

Life As Ocean~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

Life as ocean falling down submerge feet first into epic blue jellyfish, a string of bioluminescent memories around the waist translucentscales c..
Parisian Tides Kiss The Inlets Of Their Wrists~

Parisian Tides Kiss The Inlets Of Their Wrists~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

She called herself Mercy her body like a sovereign scrap of gun metal she stepped over the edge of the Eiffel Tower into a holy superstition bloate..
The God within the Writer

The God within the Writer

A Poem by Tay Greenwall

Never underestimate the power of a Writer. For this is underestimating the power of a God.


A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

The animals in fine Italian suitsamused themselves by musing how I had crawled out of Sylvia Plath's bones in 1965 into a man's arms; he called h..


A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

~does my eye for your eye make the whole world sigh?~
Sideways bent~

Sideways bent~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

I lost my body in San Francisco to a girl with red beryl eyes her onyx claws playing a melody against crystal pieces of my spine she dipped in dee..
The Dirty Heroine~

The Dirty Heroine~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

Now the dreams they spilled their contents bare at her naked feet and threadbare pain empty save for his old hands that she now realized, could not..


A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

Diving The Id~
Divinity of Woman

Divinity of Woman

A Chapter by Sri Gawn Tu Fahr

Chapter 4 - "Divinity of Woman" from my new book, Love's True Home
I am a Writer

I am a Writer

A Poem by TJ

Words are Powerful as are the Wordsmiths
Baby Author

Baby Author

A Book by Dionne Fields

Baby Author "Rain Fields". He is only 3 years old with over 12 childrens book published with the help of his mother.


A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

Blood in the mist a spectacular flare of life stuck between broken ribs on a crushing exhale cars flash by spreading bone trail..
Morphine For Gods~

Morphine For Gods~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

~collaboration with my son, OT~
Jerusalem Tree~

Jerusalem Tree~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

The desert is the only place Where a girl can face the solid rock face of a god thing Calcified in the dead sea of his disturbed disgust ..

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