Tags : Deep

life's not a fun.

life's not a fun.

A Chapter by Criss ;)

Aloneness's the frnd of darkness...
Another Me

Another Me

A Poem by Kaspar Carr

He did this.. Not me.
All Day Along

All Day Along

A Poem by Kaspar Carr

listen to the wind.


A Poem by Kaspar Carr

such a strange place.


A Poem by Kaspar Carr

Was I wrong?
Tell Me

Tell Me

A Poem by Ally Charleston

Does everyone feel this way? Like you are being stomped on one hundred times over. You are so small an unimportant. You cry until it hurts and you ..


A Poem by Kaspar Carr

What does it mean?
The Wondering Home

The Wondering Home

A Poem by Hogan

Influenced by Bob Dylan
The Letter of Sorrow

The Letter of Sorrow

A Stage Play by Jonathon Wood

When Robby finds himself about to lose his entire world, Jessica, he seals his fate with one final letter. (1-2minutes)
The man with the brief case

The man with the brief case

A Poem by Cassandra

How do we know what lies beneath the formal skin of the strangers we call our friends?
The Internet (the 27th of May, 2013)

The Internet (the 27th of May, 2013)

A Chapter by Erin

In which I discuss the good and bad sides to the internet.
Slipping Away.

Slipping Away.

A Poem by Paytence Karr

This actually kinda explains me.
Loving From A Distance

Loving From A Distance

A Poem by ChampangeCupcake

We've all had that unrequited love, the love where you can only stand and watch, giving silent support from a distance


A Poem by John Holmes

anther love poem.
Regrets (the 12th of June, 2013)

Regrets (the 12th of June, 2013)

A Chapter by Erin

In which I share my first reevaluation of a long-held belief. Also, I discuss why regrets can actually be good.