Tags : WAVES

Zeitgeistlyrik: SEA POEMS (Satis Shroff)

Zeitgeistlyrik: SEA POEMS (Satis Shroff)

A Poem by Satis Shroff

Satis Shroff writes about his thoughts and emotions about the North Sea where he goes every year during the winter holidays to enjoy the wind, sea and..


A Chapter by Gregory Stires

a poem about the moon


A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding. Al..
The Starboard Lullabies; Ahead

The Starboard Lullabies; Ahead

A Poem by Anna

He pulled the gentle tide up to his chest,a warmer blanket of shell and sea froth.Harbor ships dipped; creak and moan,calm slept beneath where he hid ..
Hearts Beat Together

Hearts Beat Together

A Poem by Spencer Barker

Waves hit the shore, threatening a cascading of sand,but a flurry of dust.Rays of light glide along the edge of the world, welcoming escape,into the u..
The Magpie & The Meadowlark

The Magpie & The Meadowlark

A Poem by Anna

The torn black flag fell to the waters below,catching currents in the reflection of old skies.Driftwood afloat upon the calm of true quiet,dare no sai..
Amethysts and Waves

Amethysts and Waves

A Poem by transentience

Just thoughts about lineage and what it means to last forever
Quiet Elation

Quiet Elation

A Poem by Sylver

dusty curtains wavecool breeze -over the sea cliffs it comes.hark to the bittern,harsh song...a chill east wind approaches
The Ebb and Flow

The Ebb and Flow

A Story by Jeannie Stevens

The ebb and flow of life
I Hate The Feeling

I Hate The Feeling

A Poem by Ioana Georgiana

This is one of those s****y nightsWhen emptiness hits again.By dawn I’ll be alright.My emotions are like tides.Constant yet passive.All the same..
A Lover and a Midnight Quarrel.

A Lover and a Midnight Quarrel.

A Poem by Crimson_ish

A lovely quarrel impressed upon passionate veins.
The Waves of Mist

The Waves of Mist

A Poem by Daniel Fletcher

An environmental malaise, a singular beacon of hope. I took this Shakespearian poem from the beginning of a modern music video... like you do.


A Poem by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

Washed away


A Poem by Michelle Dains

floatinglying my arms out letting my body float out to see this gentle current rocks me ever so slightly i think i might be falling asleep i feel..
Ode To Ocean Lovers

Ode To Ocean Lovers

A Poem by Antoñyo

Upgraded for the current Ocean Contest
Cerulean Tides - Fragment

Cerulean Tides - Fragment

A Story by CoreBound

The smooth rhythm of the deep blue.
The Waves of War

The Waves of War

A Poem by SeemsPoetic

A poem for the fallen.
Night Waves

Night Waves

A Poem by Ms. Twitch

Inspired by my new addition.
Rough Seas

Rough Seas

A Poem by moonlit_cove

A boat tossed by a storm gets help from an unexpected source
Intertidal Zone

Intertidal Zone

A Poem by Jane Doe

I am newish to poetry. I've mostly done work in the realm of spoken word. This poem is about a feeling I have never experienced anywhere other than in..