Tags : Broken

Moors in our Hearts

Moors in our Hearts

A Poem by Suhd

Attic. Far from the madding crowd.Silence sedates sundries and all.A disgraced honeybee hovers overthe window box while the hummingbirdsdance out of p..
Broken One

Broken One

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

I'm sickly at the moment because I haven't been sleeping well. None the less, here's another poem. I hope to be back on my feet in a few days.
she was a candle

she was a candle

A Poem by pencil

she was a candle melted down to her core,a dozen matchsticks had hurt her before.she promised herself she would never burn again,and blindly believed ..


A Poem by pencil

he smelled like vegas.the fumes of his cigarettes strangled my lungs,but entangled my heart with a blurry mist. the smell of excitement and adventure ..


A Poem by Adam M. Snow

How cruel is fate, throwing a fork in my road? But I berate that my dues be owed.


A Poem by Andy Leavy

A man no more


A Story by goddessofwriting

Parts true, parts not


A Poem by maaidah

you broke my heart with your sharp words and then tried to stitch it up using your roses but all it did was dig thorns into my mind making me s..


A Poem by aspen

I am seconds away from being engulfed in a fire that was born into my brain the moment I gasped for my first breath of airtears drip down my temples f..


A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Tick, tick, tock! Tick, tick, tock! Gone are the days, we hold for granted. Ticking away, our life in canted.


A Poem by nightdark

It was a Tuesday evening and I was sitting near the fountain, staring at the sun slowly disappear and leave a fi..
Love & Lust

Love & Lust

A Poem by Anonymous Angel

The truth
Broken Teachings

Broken Teachings

A Poem by Ajla

I talked about my personal bringing up and how it made me into a person i wouldn't want in another life.
Barstool Junction

Barstool Junction

A Poem by Lucia

He drank himself a shot in the morning. Away and lost I was by his touring of my own torn - up tattered stranded loathing. Entangled as he was by m..
Hands Stained Ink

Hands Stained Ink

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Hands stained ink of black and red. On the brink of what was said,
You Became a Ghost

You Became a Ghost

A Poem by AshleyDeyPoetry

A poem written in the form a voicemail that will never be sent to a guy I started building a relationship who ghosted me for someone else. Heartbreak ..
You're Not Sorry

You're Not Sorry

A Poem by AshleyDeyPoetry

A poem about being hurt and broken and living with the aftermath while trying to understand it all.