Tags : School



A Book by lexgosomewhere

The story of Abeona follows Perry, an average teen with no real place to call home, as he gets used to his new school.
Part I

Part I

A Chapter by lexgosomewhere

After Perry moves to a new school, he meets Selina, a studious individual with a hidden past. She gives him a tour of the school, but things don't go ..
A Little Bit About Myself

A Little Bit About Myself

A Story by F.M. Farris

A short story detailing some of my experiences when I was in school.
The First Fall Is Always The Hardest

The First Fall Is Always The Hardest

A Story by DingDong

“The first fall is always the hardest” It was a cool misty morning and the morning dew glassed on the grass of the well-kept school f..
My Life

My Life

A Story by Jepong3789

Just a little insight to the struggles I have gone through.
When Riot Causes Romance

When Riot Causes Romance

A Book by IamReiRan

She's a straight A student. He's a heartless womanizer. Two very different people that only have one thing in common...their love for arguments. Will ..
Deepening the Sea

Deepening the Sea

A Chapter by IamReiRan

Karen dragged her until they got passed their crowding club mates near the school gate. She only stopped when they were already in front of Mark.
Targeting the Spot

Targeting the Spot

A Chapter by IamReiRan

“It’s because we have chemistry, sweetheart. And they can see that. You should too as soon as possible.”
Rioting the Root

Rioting the Root

A Chapter by IamReiRan

“Mark was probably only compromised to be with her anyway. You’ll see, next week, Mark will get back to his usual self. Finally freed from..
Answering the Query

Answering the Query

A Chapter by IamReiRan

“I understand that Mike was only acting on my behalf, and Mark had no choice but to retaliate. I’m sure there’s just a misunderstand..
Hitting the Heart

Hitting the Heart

A Chapter by IamReiRan

When everyone had already seen their assigned areas and finally left the room, some looking relieved while others looking like devastated, the Coach f..
Knowing the Truth

Knowing the Truth

A Chapter by IamReiRan

“The nerd is so glad he felt the same too. It calmed down the riot in his chest that he’d been having since the moment he first saw her.&r..
My eighth grade graduation speech

My eighth grade graduation speech

A Poem by kk

Tears for life


A Poem by Robert Wagner II

When we thought it was over


A Story by Meemoh

Describing what it could mean for different people.