Tags : goodbye

Kissing Judas

Kissing Judas

A Poem by Brook



A Poem by Kasey Nichole

LostWhere did the girl with the forgiving smile go?Where are the good deeds, she was willing to show?Where is the girl who wore flowers in her hair?Wh..


A Poem by headoverheart

We were so close to the beginning, but we ended yet again...
My Wish For You

My Wish For You

A Poem by Wingless Fallen Angel

I am over him, but it doesn't mean I hate him implicitly. He hates me, but I wish him the best in life.


A Poem by Chloe Solomon

Ensconced by the shivering cold I feel nothing but worthless and old The birds still chirp and sing But I am deaf The flowers bloom But I am blin..
Vesper 5

Vesper 5

A Poem by Saint No-One

the final part.


A Poem by Kasey Nichole

Helpfor i am fallingHelpfor i am weak.Helpfor i am lonely...singing myself to sleep.Nothing seems to help me,no one seems to care,Helpfor i am broken,..


A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

This isn't a negative thought...
Flame of a Dream

Flame of a Dream

A Poem by NakkedCowgirl

I believe, that once you've connected with a person, heart, soul, and body-they never truly leave you. There is always that thin silver cord, connecti..
Ways to Say Goodbye

Ways to Say Goodbye

A Poem by BMarcel85

This is a fictional story about a man trying to break it off with a pregnant girlfriend.


A Story by Sarah

My emotional experience, of the moment I let go of my childhood friend... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=018aDXtUSM4 - The song
Train Tracks

Train Tracks

A Poem by Nicola Blom

We´re walking slow along the fast track Talking about the past, with our coffee drunk quite black You&..
Poem 12.   Cry Of My Heart

Poem 12. Cry Of My Heart

A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

(Concrete Poetry) For a friend _ It's just a piece of cake. Move on!
Prologue: To Say Goodbye

Prologue: To Say Goodbye

A Chapter by The Scholar

Prologue: To Say Goodbye This is the story of the greatest man I have ever met. It is the story of the only man I have known who truly un..