Tags : romance

I Can't Paint The Picture Of...

I Can't Paint The Picture Of...

A Poem by D

A hopeless romantic who can't seem to express feelings of being in love or experiencing genuine affection
Forbidden Romance

Forbidden Romance

A Story by Mira Windsor

This story is set during the early around the early 1950s maybe earlier. It is about a queer couple Beatrice and Addison who have separated and met ag..
A Small-Town Vendetta

A Small-Town Vendetta

A Book by Cameron Lockhart

Mike has been a ticking time bomb since birth and doesn't take setbacks well. So when he abruptly finds himself injured at a football game, he has to ..
Chapter 1: Collision

Chapter 1: Collision

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

Mike is a high school sophomore and the quarterback for his football team, but one fateful game goes wrong when he meets his biggest rival and promptl..
Fate of Yggdrasil Chapter 12

Fate of Yggdrasil Chapter 12

A Chapter by Angelo Kingston

Fate of Yggdrasil Chapter 12 Part 1 My instincts flared up, urging me to keep my distance as Erna and I speedily charged through the r..
Stupidly in love

Stupidly in love

A Poem by Jasper

He dumped me like literally 2 days after I wrote this lollll, but I like the poem so screw him, yanno? Hope you enjoy :D
Chapter 2: Aftermath

Chapter 2: Aftermath

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

Mike recovers from his accident, but his desire for revenge against Mark continues to consume him.
Chapter 3: Unease

Chapter 3: Unease

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

After yet another game in which the Dobermans lost to the Rottweilers by a relatively small margin, there was an after-party at Angus', an Irish pub l..
Chapter 4: Tragedy

Chapter 4: Tragedy

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

Mike's downward spiral continues when he suddenly loses some of the folks who were the closest to him.
Chapter 5: Confession

Chapter 5: Confession

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

Mike's self-control begins to slip as the world continues to kick him around, but can a chat with Katherine clear his head?
Another kind of purity

Another kind of purity

A Story by Dominic H-N

First in a series of works which are to be of serious merit regarding spiritual fantasy and intellectual discussions about humanity and nature. this g..
Chapter 6: Guidance

Chapter 6: Guidance

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

Mike grip on his sanity continues to slip as he seeks outside help, but his desperation leads to him consulting a questionable source.
Chapter 7: Revenge

Chapter 7: Revenge

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

With Katherine firmly at his side, Mike enacts the ultimate revenge plan on his "rival", in desperate hopes of finally being able to move on with his ..
Of Twins and Tropics

Of Twins and Tropics

A Book by Cameron Lockhart

Rich twins Junior and Justine are in for an unforgettable summer when a trip to Italy is derailed. Their private jet crashes onto an uncharted island,..
Chapter 1: Planes, Twins, and Automobiles

Chapter 1: Planes, Twins, and Automobiles

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

As a graduation present, Mark Jr. and Justine are sent to visit their grandparents in Italy but crash land on an undiscovered tropical island along th..
Chapter 2: Humble Beginnings

Chapter 2: Humble Beginnings

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

The twins are the only ones to survive their plane crash, and it doesn't take long to find out that they aren't the only ones who have suffered the sa..
Chapter 3: The Tour de Exilio

Chapter 3: The Tour de Exilio

A Chapter by Cameron Lockhart

The twins continue to acclimate to the hidden island community, simultaneously letting their shared crush on their tour guide get the better of them.