Tags : Poem

You Were The First, The Last And Forever

You Were The First, The Last And Forever

A Poem by Anjali

This is a short poem by a lover remembering the magical feeling of first love.
Steps for climbing

Steps for climbing

A Poem by Arundass TP

Legs are heavy, heart is brave
Broken Light

Broken Light

A Poem by Cosmic

A heart to heart, a friend to friend. This is a honest conversation to one friend to another
In Paradise

In Paradise

A Poem by Grimy

From the Genesis collection
It’s Not Fair

It’s Not Fair

A Poem by lexi

about an controlling relationship
Poetry: The hidden room is not hidden to the hider

Poetry: The hidden room is not hidden to the hider

A Poem by zennedpen

This is a poem that tells us that whatever is hidden from us within us, we have the key to it within us too.


A Poem by Sam

A fictional poem about a stalker stalking his next victim to kill
I Hate Love

I Hate Love

A Poem by Lane Craver

Heart vs The Logical Brain
Its 10 am somewhere

Its 10 am somewhere

A Poem by Cas Murray

Its 10 am somewhere
Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time

A Poem by YouoweYoupay

Go on, tell me a story. No?


A Poem by Haim Kadman

A multi lingual short poem expressing personal wishes.


A Poem by aether

you were a nova.


A Poem by E. Solórzano

do not worry, we already forgot it.