Tags : POEM

I see

I see

A Poem by Adeline E. Weathers

is that not how it works?
How do I start?

How do I start?

A Poem by Adeline E. Weathers

eyes closed, letting go
I. Afflatus

I. Afflatus

A Poem by papermush08

Wednesday Poetry 11/24/2021


A Poem by Rhia Barton

This is my best way of describing what my PTSD feels like.
The Wanderer Flee

The Wanderer Flee

A Poem by Saniya Khan

Flee is the name of a guy who often wander at the beach and the poem is from sand's gaze.


A Poem by Gabby The GAB

Why do I write poems?For once again in my life, I am surprised by a very strong questionWhy do I write really?Does it have to do anything with me and..
haunted homes

haunted homes

A Poem by rowdydog

a sweet little rhyme about haunted houses. totally different from my other poem, haunted house, totally, completely, obviously not both inspired ..


A Poem by Sam

A personal experience on ending a toxic friendship this year


A Poem by Sam

A fictional poem about your lover dying
Third Impact

Third Impact

A Poem by tequila wolf

Not sure why it went where it went but I'm happy with it I think? Main idea behind it is the forgoing of individuality in return for ease of suffering..
This Generation

This Generation

A Poem by ANBU Writings

The times we're living in.
My thanks

My thanks

A Poem by Harmony

I wrote this poem for my boyfriend whom is my hero.
Poems Don’t Translate

Poems Don’t Translate

A Poem by Ken Squires

I’ve learned that poems don’t translate through the generations I can speak of family problems and not fitting in, my age group and yo..