Tags : Writing

"Reviews And Comments...Thoughts And Apologies"

"Reviews And Comments...Thoughts And Apologies"

A Poem by Chris

"Can There Be Bad Poetry..."
"Cafe Series; The Taste Of Today..."

"Cafe Series; The Taste Of Today..."

A Poem by Chris

Archival Bookstore; Grand River Coffee Shop..."
if paintings could talk

if paintings could talk

A Poem by freelancejouster

two of nine half-completed job applications in a stackon a battered yellow folder with faded,undistinguishedwords upon it,coffee stained table with cr..
"A Zen Reality..."

"A Zen Reality..."

A Poem by Chris

A pause
A Heap of Broken Images

A Heap of Broken Images

A Poem by CT

There are so many stories out there just waiting to be told...
Paper Gods

Paper Gods

A Poem by Violetta Alexis

Today, I created a world for you.
"When Being A Dove Isn't Suicide - Just A Choice..."

"When Being A Dove Isn't Suicide - Just A Choice....

A Poem by Chris

"I remember... I still remember."
Innocence Upon A Time

Innocence Upon A Time


A story of blissful childhood and the awakening to the world as the child begins to realize the unpleasant storm that awaits.


A Poem by Chris

"Where ya from?" "Where ya been?" "Where ya going?" - home.
"Wishing For Intimacy..."

"Wishing For Intimacy..."

A Poem by Chris

Grand River Cafe - A September Morn
"Broken... Everything"

"Broken... Everything"

A Poem by Chris

A sign of the times
"September Morn..."

"September Morn..."

A Poem by Chris

Meandering the ways...
"Another Empty Ringtone..."

"Another Empty Ringtone..."

A Poem by Chris

"Another Empty Ringtone..."Where do we begin to lose our friends -the ones closer than god and bloodand even our skin.Where do we begin?We used to 'pl..
Saturday Morning - "Once Upon A Time..."

Saturday Morning - "Once Upon A Time..."

A Poem by Chris

"Once upon a time...", don't ever use that line during an interview because THEY might question their relevance to YOUR existence and then fade away i..


A Poem by Chris

When silence isn't...