Tags : understanding



A Poem by Vesi

Have you ever flirted with Death? Kissing the cold and catastrophic lips of depression, Wrapping yourself into the embrace of emptiness to rid the e..
The Battle

The Battle

A Poem by Laura Kate

In the battle of volume he would always win, so I’d cover my ears and cave myself in


A Poem by transentience

the material world tears us apart.


A Poem by lipika

A daughter who's complaining to her mother because her mother was working in different city.But she also understand the situation of her mother. Becau..
Compassion For Self

Compassion For Self

A Story by Healing Star

A thought on the Wind.


A Poem by Yuvam

I never thought I could write one,But I ended up writing some,I'm as curious as you to put up the right words here,But it doesn't matter if you are re..
Screaming Thoughts

Screaming Thoughts

A Poem by Jonathan Gutierrez

Inspired by a misunderstanding between me and my better half.
Brain Cell

Brain Cell

A Poem by TyraSw

I am living inside my head as a prisoner in her cell Trapped by the thoughts that keep me awake through the night..
Empty Fear

Empty Fear

A Story by TyraSw

It is nights like these that fill me with fear. Fear, not in the sense that something bad will happen, rather that noth..
The Problem About Flying

The Problem About Flying

A Poem by littlepoetdreamer

What it feels like to dream... Photo by Adaae-stock.


A Poem by BlueRibbon

What does art mean to us?
Love of Violence

Love of Violence

A Poem by modtoddinc

A response to violence in our society.
Only Seven Years

Only Seven Years

A Poem by modtoddinc

Another Found Poem: basically an experiment with this form,(as well as video auto play insertion) I am interested in combining parts to create somethi..