Tags : wish

True Freedom

True Freedom

A Poem by Lana

True freedomIs only given by peopleWho judge you have the right of freedomLabelled democratic loveIt can be hidden behind a curtainRed like bloodFalli..
Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

A Poem by Dakota Jean

My tears traced your collarbones todayAnd as I was watching them fallThey looked like little shooting starsIf I could have wished upon themMaybeMaybe ..
My words

My words

A Poem by Another brick in the wall

I wish everyone cared And believed in my vision I wish my friends for just once Would stop to listen I wish that for just once ..
Happy Birthday, Friend

Happy Birthday, Friend

A Poem by Jasmine

Wrote it for my Best friend
If only

If only

A Poem by Rox Cobain

this are things that are left unsaid.
Hollow Last Wish

Hollow Last Wish

A Poem by Mahlo Metsys

Moving on is a journey of the mind, no matter which direction we go, or who we go to.
Be yourself

Be yourself

A Story by Tevin Armoogum

A simple quote. Do what you want and what's good for the world.


A Poem by Emily

'Never a good feeling'
Wish you were here

Wish you were here

A Poem by Dillon "Gerald" Steele

This is a love poem about the things I wish I could tell you
Spontaneous prose-Dreams of west

Spontaneous prose-Dreams of west

A Story by Solitary_Streets

a spontaneous prose piece, I like to do these at certain times when your mind wanders and spits out fire.


A Poem by tinnky_twinny

Birthing three but mothering five, Having the waves that conquer guilt,Pushing the pain of weeping Kiddo's outta my heart with the space I create.Conc..
A Wish

A Wish

A Poem by Elvy-decoo

My wish
A Deal

A Deal

A Poem by Sanjh

A deal worth everything...
One Wish

One Wish

A Poem by Siobhán Kiernan

I see that you’re happy, I know it’s right. Me and you were opposites, Like black and like white. I watch your progress day after day,..
As you wish!

As you wish!

A Poem by Frozen Eyes

Does a wish really come true??
My Lottery Wish

My Lottery Wish

A Story by Amelia Lunar

Well I used to love writing and over the years have stopped completely so I decided to stick my toes in the water gradually and not write something I ..


A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)



A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

What is love? It is the morning and the evening star. Sinclair Lewis
Wish Upon a Star

Wish Upon a Star

A Poem by Colorless
