Tags : Coward

The Mayor's Favourite Sun-dress: 15191568

The Mayor's Favourite Sun-dress: 15191568

A Book by Oswin

Everyone has the same laugh, smile and look in their eyes, but not everyone. A war is coming and along comes a secret; the truth in how the we have en..
If You Knew Me

If You Knew Me

A Poem by Kwiksie Ifediora

Sorrows from a wrong decision


A Story by Lazy

This is all fiction, first person of an awkward teenager, and a critcism to some people who act a certain way to be accepted.
Unrequited Love (I'm Over You)

Unrequited Love (I'm Over You)

A Poem by Antoñyo

Just some yesterday rambling
I do not think that they will sing to me.

I do not think that they will sing to me.

A Poem by Miss Lillian

A piece of homework for creative writing, taking a line from TS Eliot's poem 'The lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock' and using it as a leit motif create y..


A Poem by Zach Knox

You're all cowardsswallowthat painlike a pillit's your weakness,your burdensthat make you ill.Let go of the pastOr be used in the presentOpen up orbe ..


A Poem by Vidya Bacchus

about not sharing your feelings for fear of rejection
The world wears a red coat

The world wears a red coat

A Poem by Katho28

The world rushes toward me but I don't think I can do the same. The world is stronger than I am, it has been and still is and perhaps always will be.


A Poem by Quiet Lonely Rush

My take on Murderers.


A Poem by Abyrdun

Written after observing how people tend to act on their first day of university compared to how elder students act.
Destiny Reclaimed

Destiny Reclaimed

A Poem by Vidya Bacchus

taking back the reins of your life


A Chapter by one sky

Do you knowThat you are so dear to me?I have loved you for thatPrecious time of being togetherA love that only my heart knowsYes, I love you on my own..


A Poem by Alishaan Asaria

I do not deserve what I have,and they do not deserve someone like me.Confusion twists around me like a python.Immortality and Eternity are mere words,..
I Need Some Lion-hearted People

I Need Some Lion-hearted People

A Poem by Md. Ziaul Haque

In search of some brave hearts