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Tags : Ponder

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Senryu

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Senryu

A Poem by Steve L.

I vacillate between these often...
Crumbling Society

Crumbling Society

A Poem by K.N. Thorn

Corruption at its best.
inquisitive musings.

inquisitive musings.

A Poem by Natalie

She thinks about him often. Not out of romantic love, as some would presume, but out of curiosity. She knows it is ..
The Thought Of You

The Thought Of You

A Poem by Healing Star

To seek the right question, is wise, for a correct answer to the wrong question will profit you nothing.
I pass love

I pass love

A Poem by Writeforlovely

I pass love like it's gold andthen am left with is a treasureand it is always hiddenso when I find it I get excitedand pass it away so fast ..
Girly Ponders of a Mother's Sacrifice

Girly Ponders of a Mother's Sacrifice

A Poem by S. Allison (Ferrante) San..

Once lived a lovely young girl who could joyfully laugh, She was happy and free and viewed life from the gaff, Her giggles of sarcasm, carefree..
Sacred Nature

Sacred Nature

A Poem by Morgan Storms

Thoughts while hiking
The Living Man

The Living Man

A Story by Victor Chavez

Awoken to the Obscure Mist
"How They Tick"

"How They Tick"

A Poem by Sir_Anonymous

I wrote this about a week ago and was pressed on time for college and wrote this out of the aftermath.
The Fish Seeks Wings

The Fish Seeks Wings

A Poem by Victor Chavez

The Fish who saught to fly
Extremely Bright

Extremely Bright

A Poem by B

A traditional lantern looked at sadnessTossing out its lightCalling it out for darknessBreaking it's swinging armsTouching every petal of lifeDimming ..
wording identity

wording identity

A Poem by Ed

nevermind reapproblem of systemlearning to sowme and my witnessalready been told the rulespretty much whatisintendedbreathe and forget nonsensepride h..
A day to remember

A day to remember

A Story by Yette

A short story I wrote after being inspired in Nepal about a year ago. Haven't written anything in years, or anything since, but got reminded of it to..
Summer Fires

Summer Fires

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

A day which gave opportunity for personal introspection. We here in Oregon, Idaho, Washington watched this become a very serious summer for wild fires..
After death are we actually gon?...

After death are we actually gon?...

A Poem by Onlyme

After death:are we really gone for good?As in, nothing at all exist of us at all.No spirit, no soul. Nothing?Just an empty body in the groundor fragme..
Thoughts, Questions I Ponder

Thoughts, Questions I Ponder

A Story by Onlyme

I suppose, sometimes for myself. What is the aim propose of my life?In addition, suppose, I am not alone..
Reality to ponder

Reality to ponder

A Poem by Gray

A small poem that does not make much sense. At least i am Conscious