Tags : Thanksgiving



A Story by hydlove

Today is Thanksgiving Day. I know that this day is supposed to be where you should be thankful for everything you have, but what I am thankful for, I ..
24. We Do What We Can (A Thanksgiving Story)

24. We Do What We Can (A Thanksgiving Story)

A Chapter by Craig2591

A story about compassion.


A Poem by Lane Craver



A Poem by Muse

...some of the rich are one "hurricane Sandy" away from being an equal to the lower class." No food..no wine..no shelter. Let us give thanks.
We Give Thanks

We Give Thanks

A Poem by Sheila Kline

An offering of thanksgiving and words of praise to our Creator for love, security, provision, and salvation!
Forever Grateful

Forever Grateful

A Poem by bryandc15

A poem for God
*~Her Day of Thanks~*

*~Her Day of Thanks~*

A Poem by Wolfi :3

I was rather, depressed, on Thanksgiving. You've been forewarned.
Give Thanks

Give Thanks

A Poem by MandaBear

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


A Poem by West Coast

a homework assignment for my creative writing class
November Is Here

November Is Here

A Poem by Wicahpi

my favorite month of the year
Hello November

Hello November

A Poem by Graveyardfuck

Hello, November.My sweet serenity.Enrapture me in your brisk chill.Your sweaters and hot cocoa.Your bright spirits,Awaiting the month of December.Gorg..
On The Week Before Thanksgiving

On The Week Before Thanksgiving

A Poem by Ohioman

A man and his wife share a moment of steamy pleasure before heading to his parents' house for the holidays.
Thanksgiving in the Heart

Thanksgiving in the Heart

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

Being grateful for God.
What Will You Eat?

What Will You Eat?

A Poem by Rita L. Sev

on Thanksgiving...
Turkey for Dinner

Turkey for Dinner

A Poem by Rita L. Sev

an ironic limerick