Tags : Voice



A Poem by kasawakii

This is about finding my voice.


A Poem by Anonymous 79

half-moons in my palm turn to scissors in my hand too many tears to see straight and too many tears to fix with tape i'll never learn to ignore th..
The Voice Calling

The Voice Calling

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

The Voice Calling Listen… do you hear it? It’s calling… for you and for me. Persistent and faithful, It ..
My Written Words

My Written Words

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

My Written Words Here in my space, I’m free to be me. Elegantly spoken, Soft is my “speech”. No stum..


A Poem by fredfalls

Grown up

Grown up

A Poem by grace

its about the feeling that spreads all over in you when their are more responsibilities and you don't know what to do.
XXXN - The Voice

XXXN - The Voice

A Chapter by BL

Chapter 34 - The Voice My teeth have deserted me and my hair is of no use as it is, in thin strands of yellowy-white. The lines on my face..
A Past so Present

A Past so Present

A Poem by Andrew John

Sit Down Shut Up

Sit Down Shut Up

A Poem by WillaDanvers

In some eyes, you will never be anything. Don't rely on them. Be everything you ever need in the world.
Love Is...

Love Is...

A Poem by AJ Douglas

Love is the soundof your seraphic voiceserenading mydoleful soulamid the cacophonyand clamor of chaos
The Voice

The Voice

A Story by William Propsner

Hearing can indeed be believed
Let Me Be Your Cello

Let Me Be Your Cello

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a poem about love and music.

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