Tags : failure



A Poem by Riya

Hey guys, I wrote the below piece of poetry when I was confused and depressed due to some personal problems.
I have no form

I have no form

A Chapter by Akshay Rawal

I set my mind to follow some rules.(But I fail to abide, emotions can't hide.)I punish my soul for being a fool,For ebbing with the tide, for shunning..
Success and failure.

Success and failure.

A Poem by A. J. Stoner

"In life, success and failure are both measured by the amountof effort and dedication you put into everything you do, think and say"
Helper's Harvest

Helper's Harvest

A Poem by Trevor McLeod

Life Poem
Romance Left Burried

Romance Left Burried

A Story by 13Clovers

A small piece I felt compelled to write. I always enjoy the sense of the world goes on with or without you.
I Know

I Know

A Poem by moneki

You've already said
Accommodating Everyone Else

Accommodating Everyone Else

A Poem by WillaDanvers

I was doing really well until the depression came back. Looks like the poems might start back up again. Joys.
Failure is just hope in disguise

Failure is just hope in disguise

A Poem by Ally Ann

Failure is inevitable, but so is growth
New Haven Terminal

New Haven Terminal

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Across the track, a rail yard workerbig innocent bear of a guy, beerbelly, embraces his girl. She’sa conductor, comes up to that belly,reaches a..
The moon makes me sick

The moon makes me sick

A Poem by jaide

another love poem about a failed love


A Poem by jaide

this is a poem about questioning and taking the little things for granted until you can't have them anymore


A Poem by snail

While everyone celebrated New Year's, clogging my feed with flashbacks insisting last year was the best; I wrote this. It's not that last year was all..
Web Journal Of Red Pill Coyote - February 20, 2023

Web Journal Of Red Pill Coyote - February 20, 2023

A Story by Red Pill Coyote

I CAN TASTE THE FAILURE FLOATING IN THE AIR WITH THE BALLOONS! Yeah, baaack. I'm on the edge of the volcano's lips... I feel almost completely alone a..
Because It is Right

Because It is Right

A Poem by Carew

All I ever want in life is to do right. To be a guiding light, To help others survive. Who gives a f**k about recognition? There ..
i remember your birthday.

i remember your birthday.

A Poem by jaide

I Remember your birthday.December 14th.I didnt know i remembered your birthday.I remember being the first person to message you happy birthday last ye..
Lessons Unlearned

Lessons Unlearned

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

The trail of tears. The bridges burned.
Thoughts From The Bottom Of The Sea

Thoughts From The Bottom Of The Sea

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Now here at the bottom I lie in the cold...
I Used To Have

I Used To Have

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

but now all that I do...

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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
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