Tags : boyfriend

Zodiac signs, Astrology, and love interests

Zodiac signs, Astrology, and love interests

A Story by invisiblewriter

I recently became very interested in astrology and star/zodiac signs and decided to write a short story based on that relating it to my love life and ..


A Chapter by E.L

Elle has a rumor spread about her by jealous girls. She wants to be alone forever, when she remembers, Luke, the boy she truly loves, and cares about,..
How Did the Fire Start?

How Did the Fire Start?

A Story by gabiaimee

Uninspired Writers Network Prompt #3
The Boyfriend.

The Boyfriend.

A Story by elmarjuz

Sitting by the bed of your daughter. Who else could it possibly be?
Dog Days

Dog Days

A Story by MelissaAndres

Short story about a man and his live-in girlfriend and their difference of opinion. Will it be the demise of their relationship??
Through Hell and Back

Through Hell and Back

A Poem by SoberBunny

“You know, through all that s**t I pulled. All those things I did. She stayed. She stayed and she fixed me, showed me I have a heart. I do,..


A Chapter by kalesalad

“Am speechless.”A raspy voice said behind me. I was in the verge of tears. Why I thought that was a good idea. “Look am really sor..


A Poem by Pantatocat

This is a poem about my boyfriend :$ I only made this in maybe 5 minutes,so it's not the best /~
Broken Up

Broken Up

A Poem by Miss Pollerina

A little poem about a broken relationship NOT A TRUE STORY OF MINE


A Poem by Kristen H

Perfection. Everything about it was perfection. Sitting on my couch with my head on your shoulder. My legs ..


A Poem by gabiaimee

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Speak The Truth

Speak The Truth

A Poem by gabiaimee

His words made me believe


A Story by dazzledusk

I turned the corner and shifted into third gear smoothly. I glanced at the cars on the opposite side who were queuing at the lights, within seconds ..


A Poem by Emily Murphy

This poem was inspired by a woman I loved...and a woman I lost.
A Saturday Night at Home

A Saturday Night at Home

A Poem by Emily Murphy

I feel like a ghost when I’m walking the floors of my parents’ home It’s December and it hasn’t snowed and I see your lig..