Tags : Dew

12- The Spirit Armor

12- The Spirit Armor

A Chapter by MKnightium

New Character's arrival
He’s Gone to Nowhere

He’s Gone to Nowhere

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

youth of yester
Cut Me, Persephone

Cut Me, Persephone

A Poem by Anna

Silver lightning under my skin,brass in my own spilled blood.Oh, cut me, Persephone.I have only godless lonely words that nobody wants,I read the gold..
Memory's Echo

Memory's Echo

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

to be a kid again
The Quietus

The Quietus

A Poem by Anna

I walk within wooden halls of odd engravingswhere the mirrors cry deserts to show reflectionsof a man who sinks to the depths of grey waters;a man who..


A Poem by Celie Rose

Bread from the Heavens.


A Book by LonelyWanderer

The first attempt I made at writing haiku when I was 13
Haiku 3

Haiku 3

A Chapter by LonelyWanderer

The pale flower bends Let the dewdrop fall- Like a drop of tear
Águas de Março

Águas de Março

A Poem by Mrudula Rani

March rains are called "Águas de Março" in Brasil
The Chime’s Ring

The Chime’s Ring

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Old Man Magic
An Ethereal Moment

An Ethereal Moment

A Poem by Remanence

A common visual experience observed by those early risers who trek afield.


A Poem by Michael R. Burch

These are translations of haiku about dew as a metaphor for life's transience.
Haiku - Wildlife

Haiku - Wildlife

A Poem by JE Falcon

Haiku involving wildlife.
Whirl Wind

Whirl Wind

A Poem by KAREN

The cool crisp wind!


A Poem by 1809 Black Plague Decembe..

DewI love it in my lisp, DewWhen it rains I fall into the nakedness of, DewWhen tears befall, I recall Sadden Notes of Dew ..
I'm Still Blue

I'm Still Blue

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a poem of love and blues with rhymes.

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