Tags : Suspicion

My Family

My Family

A Stage Play by Someone (Maybe)

A mother flips out when a cop comes to her house after her boyfriend was reported as a suspicious character.


A Poem by PatrickPink

I do not trust old white men in positions of power
What is that fragrance?

What is that fragrance?

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

Can we accept within our differences we are all really the same? What do we need? What defines us?


A Story by Haim Kadman

The 2nd chapter of my 29th book and thriller "The Imperative U-turn".
The clever solution

The clever solution

A Story by Haim Kadman

A science fiction story of politics in the tweny fifth century.
A fantastic experience

A fantastic experience

A Story by Haim Kadman

A short story of love and imagination.
She, He, They

She, He, They

A Poem by Andrew John

The Task

The Task

A Story by R J Fuller

When our hate denies us more than we can ever imagine and destroys us in the end.

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