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Deathly Salvation

Deathly Salvation

A Poem by

Those eyes,Those eyes,Truth in disguise.Silent cries,Teary skies.Black heart despise,Filled with lies.Decay,Decay,Flesh turned gray.Burning day,A chil..


A Poem by

Drama's immature,Your chaff guaranteed impure,Obscure its allure.


A Poem by

Twinkle of a star,Sunset off afar.Burning bulb inferior,To Moon's illuminating exterior.Sets to awaken Night.Darkness's powerful might.Dark beauty ign..


A Poem by

What leave us crying,Dying,TryingFor more?Broken heart?Needing a fresh start?Being torn apart?Use your voice,Life's a choice,Choose to rejoice.


A Poem by

Looking back,Emotions attack,Feeling this and thatFalling flat.Memories thicken,Regret's quicken,Stomach sicken.Question choices,Ignore guilty voices...
Beginning to End

Beginning to End

A Poem by

We're broken form the beginning,Through life we keep sinning.Each sin a falling path,Closer and closer to death's wrath.Love and hate,Pain and fate,As..


A Poem by

Nightmare come alive,Striving to survive.Lost to love,Creature ofLust and desireHeart made of fire.Bound to death,'Til Death's last breath.Claws clipp..
Journey to the hairy a*s

Journey to the hairy a*s

A Story by CutiePie Fuckface

once upon a time there was 1 f****t on ajourneyto find the hairy a*s he has ever seen he went through the vagina cave into the armpit tar all the way ..
Death Forever

Death Forever

A Story by

"It's s-so c-c-cold," She whispered in his ear. As a response, he pulled her head into his chest to sooth away the cold, bitterness on her scorched ch..


A Poem by

I caught myself thinking about my aunts death and figured, why not?
Suicidal End

Suicidal End

A Poem by

Run away. Far away. Days of gray. Slashed wrist, Bloody twist. Unable to resist. Craving persists. Suicidal end? Life ..
Torn Apart

Torn Apart

A Poem by

Shattered. Fractured. Tattered. Scattered. Pick up the bits. Unite the splits. Crumble. Crumple. Rumple. Tumble. ..


A Poem by

Attraction. Infatuation. Male? Female? Is there a difference? Each holding brilliance. Bisexual abnormality? Quite possibly...
Right From Wrong

Right From Wrong

A Poem by

All alone, Left to roam. Forgetful mind, Sighted blind. Twisted in twine. Choices define. What’s wrong? What’s right?


A Poem by

A perfect fantasy. Body pulsing ecstatically, Creating fierce insanity, Acting automatically. Placed in reality, Thinking irrationa..
Say Goodbye

Say Goodbye

A Poem by

Don’t cry, Don’t cry. Don’t ask yourself why. Just say adios, goodbye. Time will reveal All that is unreal. Br..


A Poem by

Striving to survive.Each cut and sliceHas paid the price.Awaken,Shaken,Feeling mistaken.Because of you,Your charm and woo,Won my heart,while being mil..
Kiss the Moon

Kiss the Moon

A Poem by

A summer night in June.Blow a kiss to the moon.Reflectedrays,Silvery glaze.Capture my love,Send it above.Cast away the loss and pain.Unlock the ghostl..
Seasons Cheer

Seasons Cheer

A Poem by

Cut and slash A bloody gash. Slit and slice, Once more, twice. Seasons cheer, The worst day of the year. Cut my joy, F..

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