Tags : love

Let Us See If On This Day We Can...

Let Us See If On This Day We Can...

A Poem by Micheal Teal

thoughts, prose, ideas, intentions...
Your Hands

Your Hands

A Story by ohsograceful

a story in under 250 words
In my Heart

In my Heart

A Poem by RiciRhymes

When you were around
Too much to ask

Too much to ask

A Poem by RiciRhymes

How many more times...


A Poem by E.A. Spain

A treasure is unlike a presentBecause it is not simply handed to youIt is a rare and valuable rewardThat you must spend time and energy to pursueAnd o..
Rain in My Soul

Rain in My Soul

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

Rain in My Soul Pouring out Thy blessings As Thy mercy clings. A showering of love That fills my cup. Droplets are fo..


A Poem by Final-Karma

Teaching those who find another way.
Scooby Doo

Scooby Doo

A Poem by Mario Vitale

likeable write
I Watched Her

I Watched Her

A Poem by SweetWriter88

For the last few months, I’ve watched her expression lose a little light each day.I watched her sigh increasingly more as her boyfriend slowly s..
The Smartphone Generation

The Smartphone Generation

A Poem by Indra's Child

I dropped out of high school 4 years too early.Was it because I didn't care, or because I was scared?Genocide in Myanmar, refugees walk too farTerrori..
Lesbians in Flip Flops Chapter 3

Lesbians in Flip Flops Chapter 3

A Story by Tony Conaghan

A semi autobiographical novella of my distant life. Tony, a crane operator plagued with a life of drama, dreams of a simpler life. Getting there howev..
Untamed Butterflies

Untamed Butterflies

A Story by Rachelerika

Douglas Donohue is an aspiring artist living in Pasadena in the 1960's. He seems to be stuck in mundane every day life until he meet's Erica. This is ..


A Poem by Hurry

Breathe easy. Blink slow. The time of love grows sleepy, Its the time for one to let go. Breathe easy. Blink slow. Let your love grow more..
Almost 21

Almost 21

A Poem by Cas Murray

Right before I turned 21, I found Jesus.
The perfect Gardener ( shallow wisdom in snippets.3)

The perfect Gardener ( shallow wisdom in snippets...

A Poem by Mrudula Rani

To grow flowers Need soil, sun, Moisture, Most of all seeds. So does love!