Tags : confusion



A Poem by JayJay

No one understands why I wait for her... No one believes
The search

The search

A Chapter by Nethi

thoughts..about breaking monotony of life.


A Poem by Celie Rose

negativity does defeat
Best from the Worst

Best from the Worst

A Poem by Eleos Achlys

A flower blossoms from the richest yet dirtiest of soil.
Unwanted Pressure

Unwanted Pressure

A Poem by T. Edana Talbott

The pressure, this pressure - it’s all been building up.I’m happy, I’m sad - I don’t know what’s going on.You’re w..
Empty Threats

Empty Threats

A Story by Hazem Elashaal

It is quite strange how those around me are happier and proud of me as I grow yet it upsets me. With every bit I grow, with every person that gives m..
Will it all brake down.

Will it all brake down.

A Poem by Spirit_Raven101

when you feel lost and afraid to lose some one close.
Emotional Hangover

Emotional Hangover

A Poem by Pansy

Symptoms may include headaches, nausea, selective amnesia. insomnia, nightmares, fatigue. unnatural gra..


A Poem by Alice Poésy

Fleeting Thoughts #3
Bandaged Flower

Bandaged Flower

A Poem by Alice Poésy

Heart Anatomy Poetry #2 //when the sands shift


A Chapter by goddessofwriting

Confusion and chaos hold our dear character captive
The Mirror World

The Mirror World

A Book by Spirit_Raven101

Itchiru found a room in her school that soon would changer her life in so many way, she encounter another world twisted and reflected..
This Is Not About You

This Is Not About You

A Poem by t.m.

I hate you. Except, maybe I don't.
S i l e n c e.

S i l e n c e.

A Poem by Emma Marie Taylor

S i l e n c e. I can't stand thequiet. It corrupts from within It takes your whole being, screams through your skin Wraps its intentions in lonely goo..
Self Portrait

Self Portrait

A Poem by hypochondrita

A pseudo-guide to a reckless mind


A Story by john Robinson

Tony wants want to commit mass murder. He is confused,but he left the window open.