Tags : WOMEN

Waterproof Mascara

Waterproof Mascara

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Waterproof Mascara The angels of my nightmares bring no comfort, the sounding of trumpets rests not this soul. “hope springs eternal..
Mother's Day

Mother's Day

A Story by Anne

This a piece I wrote this Mother's Day. It was a "note" on my Facebook page
And. Or. But.

And. Or. But.

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

And. Or. But. Harsh words only hold meaning when someone is listening. I listen a lot. Fostering frustration and the heat of anxiety, ..
Lisa and Abby

Lisa and Abby

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Lisa And Abby I drove for hours to see her; put on my favorite skirt, new tights, and fresh lipstick, yet still I was not prepared. I was ..


A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Breath An introduction; almost as good as asphyxiation. It’s the air that escapes with a hum or a hiss, a whistle through the teeth..
In Her Eyes

In Her Eyes

A Poem by Scrawl

When you first start to care about somebody that look in their eyes is burned into your memory, so when their gone their eyes is what haunts you. or a..
Wke Up Call

Wke Up Call

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Wake Up Call Arguing over Plum or Black Cherry, Midnight Black, Blackish Black, or Black Black, Petal, Flirty, or Metallic mist; it must be mo..
Rattle and Tilt

Rattle and Tilt

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Rattle and Tilt “get well soon.” she said. Walking the street as if never tumbled, scanning the ground for stray pill bottles,..


A Poem by Marie Harrison

A diamante poem contrasting women and men.


A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Smooth Crouched; as an endangered species exceptional in every way. Shouting from the open windows of farmhouses and high-rises, living to..


A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Ripple You never had to ask, I was always there for you, always. I held your hand through fire, scraped ice off your windshield in a blizz..
woman in the rain

woman in the rain

A Poem by Jonathan Ballam

she'd lie awake at night trying to scrape off the headlines
Toothless Mousers in Old Barns

Toothless Mousers in Old Barns

A Poem by Wulfe N. Straat

Easy to pound this observation with the hammer of misogyny. Go ahead, if that's all the critique this inspires in you.


A Story by manchilld99

Love comes in all forms and truly does last forever. Children grow into adulthood and still remember and love their schoolmates. Mickey was one of mi..
Credit for Pain

Credit for Pain

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Credit for Pain In that room again, nothing to read but old fishing magazines, donated by “office friendly” patients, the ones wi..
Flaws of Women

Flaws of Women

A Poem by Annette Jay Sweeney

If I was an artist, I would show you women as they are. No re-touching, no ignoring “God’s mistakes”, no exagge..
Limping Through Lunch

Limping Through Lunch

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

Limping Through Lunch She was limping when she crossed the bar, smiling through the pain, “now don’t you look so cute!” I..
More about Water

More about Water

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

More about Water How desperate; looking through the lace of fine lingerie, spitting on the ground into curbside potholes. Perplexed. ..
For Now

For Now

A Poem by Abigale LeCavalier

For Now Drunk by midmorning never so discontent or desperate, some say crazy. Perhaps? Muddled like old macaroni sitting in the sun, an..