Tags : earth

Sing for Me

Sing for Me

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Sing, sing, sing for me, Oh, you little bird. Let your tune embrace me, Let o sweet song be heard.
My Love

My Love

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Time passes as night blooms, again, I'm left to ponder. The stars’ weeps, but still I wonder, “What have become of me?”
Take Flight, Dear Crow of Mine

Take Flight, Dear Crow of Mine

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Take flight, take flight dear crow of mine. Why perch you calmly on a pine? The world we live in great design, see yourself in what life entwined.
Lets play a fun poetry game

Lets play a fun poetry game

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The name of this game is called, 'The Never-ending Poem.' The rules are simple, I'll start the first line and you guys follow, but you must only post ..
May 15, 2069

May 15, 2069

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo could not open his eyes, despite knowing that he had to in order to survive. A great roar came from under his a*s and vibrated his entire body. ..


A Poem by Kirsty Woodward

do not tell me to smile I'm screaming out and I haven’t slept in a while. you have no power over me my b..
When The Ape Comes Knocking

When The Ape Comes Knocking

A Poem by Kirsty Woodward

I’m staring into space A blank look on my face. Time is ticking and tocking The ape has come knocking. Belongings line the streets and Li..
Death Walks Amongst Us, Take Care Of Him.

Death Walks Amongst Us, Take Care Of Him.

A Poem by Kirsty Woodward

Say hello, To the Dead Soul of the earth Write him a poem Sing him a song Feed him well Drink your morning coffee on his behalf Dance to the bea..
She Left Us

She Left Us

A Poem by Aparajita

When she died, it was as if a piece of our hearts died with her. This poem is my effort to put back those shattered pieces even though I know nothing ..


A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

A series of bizarre events occurred over the course of decades for the two time-traveling adventurers, Saga and Vearden. After their first transplanet..


A Poem by The Poet of Black Wings

Mother, I beg forgiveness. The harm i and Mine Have wrought Has destroyed your form And poisoned your Body. We are but children, Your ch..
May 18, 2072

May 18, 2072

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Following the jump to the future, Mateo lovingly pulled back from Leona’s embrace. He pretended to be perturbed and said, “wow, I asked yo..
As Far Beneath Hades As Heaven Is Above Earth

As Far Beneath Hades As Heaven Is Above Earth

A Poem by Rae Newsome

In your absence, I found despair.My shattered heart stopped beating.It grew cold.Death and decay ran rampant.The sun couldn't offer warmth.Earth stopp..
Microstory 311: Intuition

Microstory 311: Intuition

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Stepwisdom microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 300. More to follow.
Microstory 321: Geographic Stability Part II

Microstory 321: Geographic Stability Part II

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Stepwisdom microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 300. More to follow.
We All Fall Down

We All Fall Down

A Poem by Gaia Octavia

"Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented." -Barry Commoner
Conveyor Belt

Conveyor Belt

A Poem by Kirsty Woodward
