Tags : winter

One Snow Flake At A Time

One Snow Flake At A Time

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

A Winter Thought


A Poem by Jeremy Mifsud

Winter cold is here, the curse has reawakened for another season.My hands are icy white, colder than a psychopath’s heart.I touch your face to c..
The Shades Of Grey And Green

The Shades Of Grey And Green

A Poem by Unity Writes

Winter can be dangerous for drivers, please be careful this winter.


A Book by LonelyWanderer

The first attempt I made at writing haiku when I was 13
Haiku 4

Haiku 4

A Chapter by LonelyWanderer

The leafless tree Throughout the winter- Standing tall and proud.
Haiku 9

Haiku 9

A Chapter by LonelyWanderer

A few birds- Flying in the gloomy sky, On a winter evening.
Tree Lights

Tree Lights

A Poem by LMMDN

A triolet
Solstice Eve

Solstice Eve

A Story by The Mad Gentleman

Too long have we sat in waiting,it is time for us to once again answer their call.
21st December '16

21st December '16

A Poem by Kirsty Woodward

it’s been a while since poetry has knocked on the door since writing has taken me by the hand and told me it needs me. we haven’t been t..


A Story by custombobbleheads

If I were me, then you? What will happen to you?
Winter's Tale

Winter's Tale

A Poem by Moonie

~Love blossomed in my chest~
Everfell - A Story of Seasons

Everfell - A Story of Seasons

A Book by videm

Personified, power-wielding seasons and their respective months, residing near the town of Everfell, go through the great journey of life, learning mo..
The Cafe

The Cafe

A Book by Jenivy Annette

Twilight Symmetry

Twilight Symmetry

A Story by Kathy Van Kurin

Descending winter darkness appreciated and welcomed by myself it's human companion.
California Winter

California Winter

A Poem by kier

A short little poem about winter in a place that is warm.
Chapter 1 (Carly)

Chapter 1 (Carly)

A Chapter by Michelle

Carly leaned to one side, resting her forehead against the window, letting her body succumb to the sporadic jolts of the bus. The window was cool enou..
Pure Fantasy Feeling

Pure Fantasy Feeling

A Poem by Pluviophile

It's winter so I figured a poem relating to this matter would do nicely.