Tags : Rejection

The Man Of My Dreams, The Day The Nightmares Began Part 1

The Man Of My Dreams, The Day The Nightmares Began..

A Chapter by TheGirlWithNoEyes

This is a true story. This tells of the most traumatic and conflicted time of my life; when I was at high school and fell in love with my teacher. It ..
Coffee and Cigarettes

Coffee and Cigarettes

A Poem by hmarieee

I have very bad anxiety from things that have happened to me so to cope I smoke cigarettes and I also just so happen to like coffee.
Flash Fiction (No title)

Flash Fiction (No title)

A Story by Quin

Another attempt at flash fiction. 20 minutes & a picture (not included for copyright). To set the scene it was a woman in a black evening dress lookin..
I Sit on a Line

I Sit on a Line

A Poem by Jared Michael Smith

My thoughts on my position in social interaction.
Confession Chamber

Confession Chamber

A Poem by Manche

Forgive me Father for I have sinned,for being born with you to begin,its been a long time since my last confession,I don't wont your blessing,lies and..
There is Beauty

There is Beauty

A Poem by Calissa Knox

Look at the sun, setting over the ocean.There is beauty.Look at the trees, dancing with the wind.There is beauty.Feel the departure of the one you tru..
The Path

The Path

A Poem by Calissa Knox

A simple, hopeful poem
Wild Bird

Wild Bird

A Story by Russ

For you beautiful
Attraction v Affection

Attraction v Affection

A Story by Russ

Marriage ended today, hard day, still not sure what went wrong.


A Story by Russ

It has been a tough year
A World So Perfect Made From Two

A World So Perfect Made From Two

A Book by Princess of the Stars

This is a story of Love, Loss, Perfection and Rejection
More fish in the sea

More fish in the sea

A Story by Russ

Just getting sick of missing someone, who doesn't miss me. Thinking she will come back when I already know that she won't. I am not sure why I have go..


A Poem by Russ

Just when you think that you know someone.
As You Wish

As You Wish

A Chapter by Jen_1984

Things get a little heated in this chapter and Jason and Jennifer find themselves falling for each other harder than they planned.
Empty Room

Empty Room

A Poem by Tinasha LaRayé

when you thought love would stay forever...
"Reject of Your Fetish Wasteland" lyrics by Christy Autumn Taylor for the band Angels of Rehab

"Reject of Your Fetish Wasteland" lyrics by Christ..

A Poem by Christina Autumn Taylor

This is a song I wrote as a singer-songwriter for the band Angels of Rehab, expected to be recorded soon. It is based on my S&M lifestyle of how I sta..
Love Is Not Jealous

Love Is Not Jealous

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

This is the third week of expressing love. The first week was to emulate patience and all that doing so entails. The second week was adding kind..
She Who Seeks

She Who Seeks

A Poem by Wabbajack

Just my thoughts as I wonder...


A Poem by The Vintage Nail

A verbal out lay, an emotional roller coaster of love