Unlikely Bond – A Beginning (Working title)

Unlikely Bond – A Beginning (Working title)

A Book by Dean Vaksman

In a time prior to great civilizations, when humanity is scattered, threatened with extinction by the many dangers of the world, the story of Risha, a..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Dean Vaksman

Risha enjoys her quiet, rare solitude. Until being interrupted as usual...
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Dean Vaksman

Risha returns back to the settlement, witnessing the crowds preparing for the next day's harvest.
The Last Glimpse - Part 1

The Last Glimpse - Part 1

A Story by AP13

Two lover parting ways and are craving for one last glimpse of each other. This is the first part of multi part story.
A Collection of Poems

A Collection of Poems

A Poem by Toonsgirl

If you love poetry, you will enjoy a collection of poems written by Farah. Some are old, some are new.
A Grimoire of Monsters

A Grimoire of Monsters

A Book by Aurafiex

A chronicle detailing a host of monsters and fiends, heroes and villains. A work in progress.


A Chapter by Aurafiex

War has always been a part of my people’s lives for as long as I can remember. Divided amongst petty factions we fought, for gains so petty eve..


A Chapter by Aurafiex

I was fifteen when my dreams began to show me visions of the full moon, watched by a man who was less than a man, and something far more insidious. F..


A Chapter by Aurafiex

Born from the flesh and blood of pigs, she was the result of an alchemical endeavour to create false life. With long blonde hair and a ragged tunic ..


A Book by Shy Joe

A collection of my poems.