Tags : help

look the other way

look the other way

A Poem by ...

Just look the other way,It's okay I'll be fine.Yes I have a bruise,but really I'm fine.Yes my parents are violent,yes they call me names,yes they yank..
Chapter 2: Help

Chapter 2: Help

A Chapter by bunmal

North meets a supposed "swimmer" out at sea named Elodie. In return for saving himself, North helps Elodie onto land. North quickly learns how dangero..
Cold And Dark Days

Cold And Dark Days

A Poem by EternityWolf101

Just a little quote I thought up of. Yes, it does belong to me.
Good Girl

Good Girl

A Poem by Underestimated

This sounds kind of stuck up, but it's really true
Wonderful Terrible

Wonderful Terrible

A Poem by Wild Willow Blue

Some need more help than others..
Chapter Three: First Miracle Begins

Chapter Three: First Miracle Begins

A Chapter by Abbie

I began to scout out people who need help. I could help with anything, from finding a lost pet, to have people fall in love, to having their deepest ..
Run Away.

Run Away.

A Poem by zoehambridge

So tell me what to do,I'll listen. Just because you're you,Should I run away?Save myself from pain?Or stay?And be wrapped around and have you wrapped ..
Life and other messes I've made so far.

Life and other messes I've made so far.

A Story by zoehambridge

I've always pushed people away. It's something I can honestly say was more like a natural reflex, as soon as somebody got close, I panicked and wanted..
Thank You

Thank You

A Poem by JadeForever

To all those teens. Be strong and take a stand.
Darling, Stay

Darling, Stay

A Poem by apathy-kills

For everyone like her, if only I'd known earlier


A Story by yourhaircutman

I'm losing who I am.I don't have friends anymore exceptfor myself.I'm losing my only friend.
Help Wanted

Help Wanted

A Poem by schnickythep

Someone, please. Help me.
Goodnight Little City

Goodnight Little City

A Poem by EightCloudArmy

very personal.
The Doctor

The Doctor

A Poem by Wolf

Someone like the Doctor you rarely get the chance to see...
Give me an opportunity

Give me an opportunity

A Poem by Kruppz

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Mother Teresa