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Tags : rage

Crown of Shame

Crown of Shame

A Poem by Jupiter

This is not my normal writing style at all. I was almost not going to post this. I was just so compelled by the Boston bombings and this is what came ..


A Poem by Mason Rayburn

It burns This heat inside me Burning like a fever This fever This contagious fever It spreads like wildfire Consuming them..
Gap in Perfection

Gap in Perfection

A Poem by Mason Rayburn

Raging screams Pierce my soul In perfection I have found a hole A pit of horrors Beyond comprehension Beautiful maidens Beyond redemption H..
[Insert Employer Here]

[Insert Employer Here]

A Poem by Mason Rayburn

Blabbering idiot Malcontent Sorry excuse for A pathetic little ingrate! Organized thought Is amiss [Employer] you make me Sick of this Yo..


A Poem by Mason Rayburn

Written as song. Focus more on what the words say than their flow.
The Beast

The Beast

A Poem by Mason Rayburn

There are no sufficient words to express These dangerous feelings I've had to repress. A murderous beast lays dormant within me, With an insan..
Grey Rage

Grey Rage

A Poem by Maudlin Kat

*Trigger warning* Angst filled, personal, rant poem
Water into blood

Water into blood

A Chapter by TLK

The atheist awoke clutching a nightmare of a new Messiah. This one would invoke terror and burning with such a simple message. Turning water into bloo..


A Poem by Saint No-One

I learned how to contend with a writer's block But how do I cope when the voices stop? 500 words that get no reaction These are a pittance, just th..
I kill him every night

I kill him every night

A Poem by James Graham

A man who lost his wife, and his mind.
Give Me a Reason

Give Me a Reason

A Poem by Emjai

"Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret." ~Laurence J. Peter


A Chapter by Sarah F-W

Reaching the ground floor, I could hear the buzz of the administration floor and the swish of the glass revolving doors as the lifted sounded and ..


A Book by Sarah F-W

Emma Telmon has nothing going for her. A demeaning job and controlling Ex that she just got away from, now she's searching for a sign, a reason to sta..


A Chapter by Sarah F-W

Oh joy, a ping. This means only one thing, Brian cannot be bothered, yet again, to get up off his fat buttocks the other side of the massive oak d..


A Poem by MunkyWrench

Death by Steven_Seagal

Death by Steven_Seagal

A Story by Zen Monk

A FIFA 13 story.
Belial's Ventriloquist Puppet

Belial's Ventriloquist Puppet

A Poem by Vria P Crow

"White noise blankness..."


A Poem by Emily

This was originally for a contest but I grew to love this poem because I could express everything I wanted.
I Don't want to Die

I Don't want to Die

A Poem by RReddy

It's about how a person in a moment filled with rage, hastily decided to give up life...but then regrets the decision