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Break it if you can...

Break it if you can...

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Whatevs...feeling like s**t. So i wrote this.
A moment before death

A moment before death

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

I'm dead, My hands, my head, Bullet holes they had, Lines like these you've read, Many times before. It feels like dread. Got a cigarette, Do you ha..
12 Years

12 Years

A Poem by Emily

But you left dad and me
What are you doing?

What are you doing?

A Screenplay by T.Langham

Mate one finds mate two doing something odd.


A Poem by hdc



A Chapter by John

What the ?

What the ?

A Story by Alice

Yey first piece of writing. It is a place I never knew of.