Cell Phones in the Trees

Cell Phones in the Trees

A Story by LiliansGift

We have to write little vignette for my AP English 2 class. Here is the result.
A Young Divorcee... Part One

A Young Divorcee... Part One

A Story by Ravel Lopez

A young divorcee has her sights set on a new neighbor. A funny piece, inspired by me trying to ignore "Desperate Housewives" on my TV. Noble attempt a..
The Divorce

The Divorce

A Story by Elizabeth Carol Livingsto..

When Christine's parents get a divorce, her world is shaken.


A Poem by Lane Craver

Beyond the Apple's Skin

Beyond the Apple's Skin

A Poem by James William Dyer

This is a poem about the end of a deep relationship, an ending that forces all the flaws RIright to the SURFACE.
Right, Wrong

Right, Wrong

A Poem by Elvis Gilley

Its funny how a husband and wife can see things so different after the marriage is over.


A Poem by Erica Marie

This poem is about my parents recent separation. My mom and I were best friends growing up and she was always there, but because of my dad she moved a..
Righteous Anger

Righteous Anger

A Poem by Elvis Gilley

Sometimes our anger is for the right reason.


A Poem by Elvis Gilley

When the heart aches the mind dreams.
A Stormy Outlook

A Stormy Outlook

A Poem by Elvis Gilley

Days and thoughts of love gone.
Mr. Hamilton

Mr. Hamilton

A Poem by Colette

a poem letter from a ghost


A Poem by Elvis Gilley

Sometimes the greatest lost in love is the loss of innocence.