Tags : Depressing

One Last Embrace

One Last Embrace

A Poem by mnicorata

This is something I wrote based on someone who has touched my heart so much, I cannot help but to write something about her about how much I care and ..
The Circle Closes

The Circle Closes

A Poem by mnicorata

This poem I wrote about someone who made me feel that I was not alone, thinking that she was special wanting to have her for myself, but I was holding..
Not A Word

Not A Word

A Poem by mnicorata

This is something I wrote after a special someone just walked away, giving me no reason or answer to why she just stopped talking to me. This one is ..
My Desire, My Shame

My Desire, My Shame

A Poem by mnicorata

Something I wrote about a person, but no matter what I say or do, she always seems to disappear without saying why, but I know she feels something for..
The Three Sirens

The Three Sirens

A Poem by mnicorata

Something I wrote about three people I met, who I mistook and misjudged for caring and giving my heart to them, when they actually pulled at my hearts..
My Temptress I Retire

My Temptress I Retire

A Poem by mnicorata

I wrote this about a person who I thought was the right one, but the more I looked into it, I knew I was not the only one, which made me waste my time..
Looking Back into the Void

Looking Back into the Void

A Story by mnicorata

Something I wrote intended to be a text but it eventually led into story form. Still not sure if I should send it to her on how she made me feel, but..
Closed Casket

Closed Casket

A Story by RubyR

Wrote this in the middle of a test. Possibly not the best place for inspiration to arise, but who am I to deny the creative process.
Fine Line

Fine Line

A Poem by RubyR

NOT the Harry Styles song!!


A Poem by RubyR

Because nothing ever feels like enough.


A Poem by RubyR

The worst part was I did it with a broken heart myself.
The Walls

The Walls

A Story by RubyR

Wrote this when I was 12, but went back and edited it today.
Amarokki's Blog

Amarokki's Blog

A Book by Amarokki

Yeah, just a book full of my daily, crazy life. A blog. Read it or not. I'll be writing in my own style of talking- so, sorry if it doesn't make sense..
Lone Man's Cry

Lone Man's Cry

A Poem by C.F

A man at war observes how inhumane it truly is.
War Is A Racket

War Is A Racket

A Poem by C.F

The poem takes place from the perspective of a soldier whose country is involved in a civil war.
The Thanksgiving Turkey

The Thanksgiving Turkey

A Screenplay by R-Gii

THANKSGIVING TURKEYVOICEOVER �" THANKSGIVING DINNERTURKEY (Voiceover): For me, my family means more to me than anything else, and sometime..


A Poem by fredster5000

have been binge watching ozark recently. I don't like it like it but I need the background noise while I do things. i like the weird gay detective an..
A poem about emptiness

A poem about emptiness

A Poem by Following_Child

A poem about the reality of depression. At least in my experience.


A Poem by Following_Child

A poem about my deep dark thoughts. TW, for those really struggling

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