Another Failed Attempt

Another Failed Attempt

A Poem by TogetherAgain

At night, the pull to death is unbearable and my thoughts blind me. But it doesn't matter, because I didn't die in the end.
The set up

The set up

A Story by twinklestar

It's finally happening again :). I knew it would...
Save me

Save me

A Poem by Kevin M.K.

I was writing a song, can't be finished now. Anyway this is what I had.
Cigarettes my enemy

Cigarettes my enemy

A Poem by Rae Rae

This is not the usual poem I write that flows and rhymes but instead a dialog to the Lord asking to help me quit smoking.
ramble locks

ramble locks

A Story by chloe cruz

here is what goes through my mind half the time.


A Story by AMordahl

A story I came up with thinking about suicide (not thinking about committing suicide, but just thinking about the topic in general).


A Poem by Amanda

You take more than I can give,Seems like you're never satisfied.I just want a life to live,Just want one mistake ratified.When the world is in flames,..
Rise and Fall

Rise and Fall

A Poem by MisterAnderson

A poem about success and failure
whiskey Buddha

whiskey Buddha

A Poem by marrta

my sorrow breathes of levandar and coconuts,up the stairs formed from hazelnuts i climb,as my chest starts swinging to the rhythm of my heartmy cold f..
You Can't Fail Life

You Can't Fail Life

A Poem by The Nameless

It's a quote that says you can't fail life
Break Free

Break Free

A Poem by Ambereen



A Poem by Max Whipple III

Failure follows me


A Poem by Max Whipple III

..myself into pieces