Tags : Fooled

Take My Breath Away

Take My Breath Away

A Poem by SheaRyhai

Something I wrote recently, just as a means to express myself. Hope you enjoy.
You're Gone

You're Gone

A Poem by Wild Willow Blue

A wolf in sheep's clothing, or something else entirely..
The Desert Flower

The Desert Flower

A Story by Narcissus

I had been walking for awhile. So long in fact, that I had to really think hard to remember how long. My face felt swollen a..
What Matters Most

What Matters Most

A Poem by Ireca

Things and objects can never make us happy.
The Troubles Never Troubled

The Troubles Never Troubled

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

A young lover, tied, bound to her wishes. She loves him, she'll never watch him go... truely. But she so needs to... is it time to let go? Shes lost a..
Shadow Puppets

Shadow Puppets

A Poem by Natasha

seeing through your shadow, why must you hide?
The Musician

The Musician

A Poem by Starfruitanimal

The king lost it’s crown when the people played dead He led all the children off the edge into the ocean Like the vermin he ca..
Fooled by my own Disquise.

Fooled by my own Disquise.

A Poem by Andrea M. Ramey

lying to yourself.
Pink Tree

Pink Tree

A Chapter by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

the mood leads and we sometimes follow


A Poem by Sarmelendez

I cant believe it
Desperate Belief

Desperate Belief

A Poem by Katherine Haizlip

I wrote this poem about my ongoing struggle with depression and how that has affected me spiritually. It is meant to be a sort of stream of conscious..
Christianity, Prosperity or Endurance

Christianity, Prosperity or Endurance

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

What brought this false teach up to me, in a manner of face to face personal way, was during a phone call with my mother who was not a Christian, and ..
Dear Satan,

Dear Satan,

A Story by Sage88

This is an open letter about a true narcissist. Someone who once was my angel until I realized the angel I found was Lucifer.