Tags : Forgive

Blah, blah, blah, blah

Blah, blah, blah, blah

A Story by Kevin Kate

Thoughts of life
Which Is Harder -- Compassion or Blame?

Which Is Harder -- Compassion or Blame?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

So Jesus got back in the boat and sailed back across the Sea of Galilee. He returned home. And check it out! A bunch of people brought a man on a str..
Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual Blindness

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

As Jesus was leaving from there, two blind men started following behind him, shouting out things like, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” ..
When you're just mean

When you're just mean

A Poem by Carl Drake Barnard

For the people who feel hate inside this is for you..
friendship flourishes

friendship flourishes

A Poem by Prritiy

free from fraudsfidelity, fertile fieldfaith feeds feelingsforgets flaws, frictionsfrustrations feebleface flaws firmlyflaunt fervent fondnessforgive ..
A Constitutional Amendment Forgiving Debt and Banning Interest? I Didn't Think So...

A Constitutional Amendment Forgiving Debt and Bann..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The Bible says not to charge interest on loans a lot more than it says anything that remotely sounds like banning homosexual behavior. It bans the col..
Reality of Man.

Reality of Man.

A Poem by Elinor Williams

Don't ever say sorry for how you feel.Felt.Feel.Because it was real.To you now, or at least thenwhen your eyes burnt them.Yes, you were angry.I know y..
Just Let Me Go

Just Let Me Go

A Book by Luciana_Prosper

(Based on true events.)


A Poem by Cat

This poem is dedicated to all of the young women that were a part of my stays at hospitals. You guys gave me hope.. I hope you can have some to. For a..
"What Love Means"

"What Love Means"

A Story by girlwithdreams

Love is a beautiful thing. Although it does have some pros and cons about it. You never know when your happiness will end, and if it does you will fee..
I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry

A Poem by The Violent Wolf

we all have regrets


A Poem by Leonard Birch

I thought I would send all my friends a sorry that I haven't gotten around to reading their wonderful Poems. I will be back. Thank you
The Nature of Forgiveness

The Nature of Forgiveness

A Chapter by Jordan

The first essay in this particular collection of essays that look at the nature of various things that deal with the soul.


A Poem by Bradley

I will be there.
The Desensitizing of Vampires

The Desensitizing of Vampires

A Poem by kera moondust

this poem is not about me.


A Chapter by Allie E

To you whom made me see the things I'll never see on my own. -APrologueThe Requiemreq·ui·emˈrekw"əm,.noun1. An act or token of..


A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

Climbing up from rock bottom, facing this bitter regret.


A Poem by Cordin

This is a poem about love and loss and how the unstable teen reacts
Love Is Not Jealous

Love Is Not Jealous

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

This is the third week of expressing love. The first week was to emulate patience and all that doing so entails. The second week was adding kind..