Tags : MIND



A Poem by LunalitSol

The Gun says Bang. Life says Checkmate.


A Poem by CrystalMoon

A girl is so in love that everywhere she turns, she finds him. She finds the one that she can't have.


A Poem by Crayon

When does the sanctuary become the prison?
Jigsaw Minds Imprisoned By Memories

Jigsaw Minds Imprisoned By Memories

A Poem by Sweet & Tender Hooligan

Dreamers paint the world how they see it and not how it is... Insensitive monsters pollute the future and shackle our dreams.
The Tiger

The Tiger

A Poem by Placid Stranger

Corrupted by the steel cages of an everlasting institution of death Drifting on waves, the pertinent ways of my petulant mind that transcends all..
Babble (Series 1 of 3)

Babble (Series 1 of 3)

A Poem by Winslow Des Totes

Crazy sane telling's of someone who never knew what to write, but wrote it anyway.
Hearts and Mind

Hearts and Mind

A Poem by ~DeathByButterflies~

This was for my little sister, I made it to describe what she was going through when we encountered a rough patch in our lives. It's over now, but I s..


A Poem by Jack D.

Jumbled up like a puzzle; together on jagged pieces; entwined, holding, but not with an enthusiasm. Glass against glass, creak and shin..