Tags : Prose

A Distant Memory

A Distant Memory

A Poem by Meg

I look into your eyes, the shape of you filling up the space beside me. Your eyes appear intoxicated as they gaze into mine, evidence to me of your af..
It's go time

It's go time

A Poem by Alice

To get it off my chest
One Thousand Times

One Thousand Times

A Poem by Senseless whatever

You know who.


A Poem by Suzuki Writes

No, silly - that’s not what you’re supposed to feelandNo, silly - this is not when you’re supposed to feelagainandNo, silly - ..
Tripping of the Tongue

Tripping of the Tongue

A Poem by BLBrown

A poem about the love and joy of words.
Enter Hades

Enter Hades

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

There is only One certainty..
Architect of My Own Demise

Architect of My Own Demise

A Poem by Just Charles

A prelude of doom; you know bad thing will occur if you continue to consume certain things, but it proves to be too tempting.


A Poem by QueenofHearts

Something stupid I wrote...
Blurred Lines

Blurred Lines

A Poem by Daniel Affsprung

Why is the alteration of nature so important in the modern day