Tags Suffering
Are You Happy Now?A Poem by Hopelessly ConfusedI hope you had fun destroying me. |
DefeatA Poem by Fallacy PharmacyA poem about domestic violence. |
I Think It's FunnyA Poem by TaughtskiiI think it's funny how everyone tries to be your friend, when they really talk about you behind your back.I think it's funny no matter how much I suff.. |
Silent Tears of a WallflowerA Poem by Sweet & Tender Hooligan'We all have to suffer a little for what we love.' Written January 14th 2010. Image: Tara McPherson. |
Atheism: the Way, the Truth, and the Life?A Chapter by ZapsterA mix of philosophy and religion but it considers the basic questions of atheism with answers from Christianity. |
Feel to be FreeA Poem by DrewAlright just wrote this today. Haven't finished it yet. |
Lest We ForgetA Poem by EllyThis was written as a class assignment. We had to respond to a visit to the Holocaust Museum in any way we liked. This poem was my way of expressing.. |
The Rain Whispers, I'm Not Me I'm YouA Poem by Sweet & Tender HooliganA mix of Joy Division & the despair of the way thing's are and are not. |
Blood And Burning Cracks Shall Paint My Skin To My..A Poem by LunaWolf*sigh* Life is tough i just typed it.... Strong interior Inside a broken little girl screams... |
DepressionA Poem by JenLynAn acrostic... |