Tags : friend

The Writer and the Blood Inked Quill

The Writer and the Blood Inked Quill

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The candle flickered by a passing gentle breeze; My quill dries up leaving not I at ease. My words upon page now left to hang. A reader's disappoin..
Foolish Poet You Are

Foolish Poet You Are

A Poem by Rc R. Vagilidad

You gave me broad wisdom to what is undiscoveredinspired me to see as what they shouldn't beyou made me a close-mind to interest the obviousYou let me..
The Beginning to my End

The Beginning to my End

A Story by Julia Heifner

A young teenager who realizes that his life isn't worth living anymore so he decides to end it.
Dance Floor (Maroon 5 - Payphone Parody)

Dance Floor (Maroon 5 - Payphone Parody)

A Poem by Myrmidon

Just a parody i wrote for a competition with my friend to Payphone by Maroon 5.


A Poem by master squiggles

sorry about this poem, but i had to let it out. WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE.
Imaginary -Chapter 3-

Imaginary -Chapter 3-

A Chapter by Adam M. Snow

Imagine you’re this woman who was living an ordinary life. Always caring, never hurt anyone in your lifetime. One day while you lie asleep in yo..


A Poem by Tapher

A special request, for a special person.
God Loves You

God Loves You

A Poem by Underestimated

True story about a unbeliever friend who is broken inside.
Nika G

Nika G

A Poem by Wild Willow Blue

This lovely women whom I speak of; this is HER tale..
Just Before

Just Before

A Poem by Wild Willow Blue

I saw him.. Death.. I saw..
A Possible New Friend

A Possible New Friend

A Story by Alexandria

I am not finished with this story yet, although I would love to hear comments or suggestions on which direction I should go from now.


A Poem by Dusty Hamilton

a short song
Black Pearl Maiden

Black Pearl Maiden

A Poem by seraphicAlisah

A poem I made for my friend for her 18th B-day. Actually, it's about her and the time when we became friends, mostly we argue on some lame stuffs.