Tags : panic

Scared To Grow

Scared To Grow

A Poem by Sad Penguin

Fixing to try and do something that has the potential to really further my growth. But I'm freaking out at the just the thought of it.
Panic Attack

Panic Attack

A Poem by BeeBev

A poem about my experiences with mental health and misunderstanding people


A Poem by Rick Puetter

Man's greatest danger...


A Poem by w

a (not-so)brief episode
The Adventures of Trudy

The Adventures of Trudy

A Story by Scytheriax

Short memoir from one of my childhood adventures.
I'm Done

I'm Done

A Poem by Julie Morgan

The best I can transfer my being into words

The best I can transfer my being into words

A Poem by Jaclyn

And then I realize how lonely I am without him.I realize that no living creature should ever have to be so.. alone.And I realize how worthless and poi..
The best I can transfer my being into words

The best I can transfer my being into words

A Poem by Jaclyn

And then I realize howlonelyI am without him.I realize that no living creature should ever have to be so..alone.And I realize how worthless and pointl..
I Will Be Strong Again

I Will Be Strong Again

A Poem by Chris M

Feelings, so many feelings;Worries, anxieties, concerns,Intertwined within me,So I can't tell where one starts and another ends.Starting in my throat ..
Whispers of the Dark

Whispers of the Dark

A Story by Voxharmony

An interpretation worth reading..


A Story by Voxharmony

Something I just finished. I have succeeded in disturbing myself. hope the same effect is conveyed..
Inner Turmoil

Inner Turmoil

A Poem by Bewitching Sensations

Crossroads.. Panic.. confusion sit tight all will be revealed
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by SnowyPandaa

Nicole gets closer to finding out what's bothering Katie, when they get stalled when she's forced to go on a trip to the mysterious town of Sudbury.. ..
The Thoughts that Torment My Mind

The Thoughts that Torment My Mind

A Poem by Dyllan

Written in the midst of a panic attack at two in the morning. Enjoy.
Spin Cycle

Spin Cycle

A Poem by James William Dyer

Concealment of character, guilt over hiding the real self behind deception and surface matters. A realization I had that induced severe panic in the ..
The World Claims Our Every Minute

The World Claims Our Every Minute

A Poem by PoemsbyPatrick

Panic now does grip our souls,The day's work not being done.Still so many things we need to do,But all I can think of is being with you.The world clai..
High School is Murder

High School is Murder

A Story by Megan

The first Vampire story I've written -- A night unlike any other, high school seniors break into the school right before graduation to have an all nig..