Tags : pickpocket



A Story by Prateeksha Khot

This is the first short story I had written about how people judge everyone only on the basis of their appearances.


A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this for a friend of mine whilst in a park in the centre of Birmingham. Note: In some cultures pickpockets are likened to that of Sparrows.
1 - that kid!

1 - that kid!

A Chapter by naghree

It was a good day for his quest, Viktor had a good feeling about it.He had just found the fifth ingredient of his list and he was more or less halfway..
2 - that was bold!

2 - that was bold!

A Chapter by naghree

It had been a bad day for his work, Radian thought. The dark elf kid was sitting on a bench, counting the coins he had pickpocket that day. The co..
The Pickpocket and the Smartphone Addicts

The Pickpocket and the Smartphone Addicts

A Story by Nathan With the Words

Freewrite for August 10th. The prompt was to write a story entirely in first person. I made the audience teen due to some of the references made early..
The Method Thief ('Thespian')

The Method Thief ('Thespian')

A Story by Abishai100

A street-clever modern pirate is the wily DC thief 'Thespian' staging a 'method-heist' of blood-diamond DNA.