Tags : poetry

Barefoot daisies

Barefoot daisies

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

Gypsies free spirited walking barefoot loving life traveling nature's beauty and daisy and sunflowers make me think of my beautiful mother.
She Saw Me Watching

She Saw Me Watching

A Poem by Ohioman

The author of this haiku poem tells us what happened when he peeked in on his girlfriend taking a shower.
*untitled 61*

*untitled 61*

A Poem by mh_holt

How could any of us had known what was going to happen to him?The poor dear.It was like one minute he was standing right in front of us. Thennext, i..
Indian oceans

Indian oceans

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

the picture is the inspiration for the poem.
Her Voices

Her Voices

A Poem by Peggy Olson

Tousled up and dropped on a draftas an afterthoughtone spied a maiden across the way.And wondered...how to make love to damaged souls;how did one make..


A Poem by Ty

People in motion

People in motion

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

Out and about with family observing people and how different their lives are very inspiring.
Companion lover

Companion lover

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

I was very overwhelmed stressed out depressed melancholy sad when writing this
"Lovely Days Are The Stuff Of Dreams..."

"Lovely Days Are The Stuff Of Dreams..."

A Poem by Chris

"I was dancin' with my darlin' to the Tennessee Waltz when an ol' friend I happened to see..." meaning-full lyrics thanks to Redd Stewart.
Trust My Feelings?

Trust My Feelings?

A Poem by AiH

Trust my feelings?Why don’t you say you love me with words? Every time you look at me and smile I bite my tongue...Because how many times can I ..
You Are Such A Fantastic Lover

You Are Such A Fantastic Lover

A Poem by Ohioman

The title of this four line poem happens to be what one woman is saying while another woman is doing something to her.
Dear, The Deadliest,

Dear, The Deadliest,

A Poem by beckyflowa

A poem about dealing with a broken heart that was delivered to you out of the blue.


A Poem by Anubis

“Absence is a house so vast that inside you will pass through its walls and hang pictures on the air.” ― Pablo Neruda


A Poem by The Iron Horseman

Feeling reflective, musing on the meaning of life, the universe and everything. I don't think it's 42...
Maybe We Should, Lest Both We Could

Maybe We Should, Lest Both We Could

A Poem by Dalfontion

Its not everyday, that everyday happens